Monday, April 18, 2011

Turns Out I'm Not a Slut

So I've discovered that no matter how much I think I want to have sex - I'm not willing to just go with anyone.

I went with a friend down to the beach this weekend - and had a blast. My friend was divorced back in September and her ex was a real low life.  He still calls and harasses her. Case in point - he started calling at 5:30 a.m. Sunday morning - which is when we decided he figured out she was out of town.  He tried to hack her voicemail as well.  Anyway - he spent a large part of the last few years of their marriage telling her how she was fat and ugly and no one would want her.  (She's a much sweeter and simpler person than me - my response to that would have been then why the hell do you keep wanting to have sex every damn night?) So she's gone a little wild since her divorce.  She is a big girl - bigger than me - and very country.  I don't mean that to sound snobby - but I guess the nice way to put it is her taste in men is not the same as mine.  She's had sex with SEVERAL men around our town - including some that are just a few years older than her son (he's an adult - she's not a perv).  None of these have been dates - they've been hookups.  I think she's just so excited that men do want her - even if only for sex - that she's just having it with everyone she can!

One thing she's very good at is getting the vibe on who's interested.  So we went to the island watering hole Friday night.  I started talking to a couple of girls who'd driven 13 hours from Chicago for just the weekend (I have no problem starting conversations with strange women - I swear my life would be easier if I was a lesbian!)  There was one guy there who was basically swooping in on any single woman there and was pretty creepy - BUT - if I really just wanted to have sex - I could have had it.

There was another guy we started talking to that he and his buddy (who hooked up with one of the Chicago girls! - they literally left the place and went to his trailer in the parking lot!) were good old redneck boys that were there to put up and then take down the stage for the band.  The one who didn't hook up with the Chicago girl was all over me.  Flirting, touching, teasing.  He was cute - but high as a kite and such a redneck!   BUT - if I really just wanted to have sex - I could have had it.

And finally - there were two guys that my friend kept telling me to go talk to - I just couldn't go do that!  But we ended up moving closer to them to get away from pervert guy and as soon as we were near them, the one guy started talking to me.  He had a very interesting job and I think he was probably very smart.  He travels all over the world and speaks several languages and he was actually kind of cute.  I talked to him for a while - but he was REALLY drunk and just kind of started boring me.  He was very much interested in me - for a booty call - but I just couldn't get into it.  BUT - if I really wanted to have sex - I could have had it.

I started talking to his much more sober friend and really liked him - and he, of course, was married!  But while we're talking, my friend - who was WAY too drunk - starts talking to the other guy and next thing I know they are all over each other.  Married guy and I were kind of laughing about it - but I started asking married guy details on the friend and decided he was legit.  

Anyway - to make a very long story short - friend and drunk guy hooked up.  Married guy drove drunk guy's truck back to where they were staying and drunk guy ended up in my friend's room for the evening.  

So - what this tells me is -  I do have to have some sort of connection to want to sleep with a guy.  I just can't sleep around - no matter how much I thought I wanted to!  I guess that's a good thing - it's certainly a safer thing!  I'm kind of disappointed and amused that I'm disappointed!  I guess the disappointment stems from the fact that I don't think I'll be having sex anytime soon because of my damn moral fiber!  I'm going back to the beach with a large group of girl friends next month - I guess we'll see.  I was attracted to Convention Guy the first night I met him - if I met someone like him now - would there be enough of a connection to jump into bed with him after one night?  I don't know - that wasn't the situation with Convention Guy.

I've also realized that I'm just not attracted to rednecks - and that is certainly the majority of the pool around my town!  I never thought I'd end up with one as far as a true relationship - but I thought that they would be a possibility for a little bit of casual sex.  But apparently, I'm incapable of casual sex.  I grew up in the 70's for God's sake - I'm supposed to be all about casual sex.  Even back then I didn't have casual sex.  I always had a steady boyfriend - and while I did a LOT of sex play with them - I only had sex with two of them - and that was after dating for months and I ended up marrying the second one!

 I guess my parents would be proud to know that even at 50, I just can't be a slut even when I want to!

1 comment:

  1. A quick question, and it's not intended to be preachy. I promise. Do you think it's the sex you are seeking, or just the knowledge you are still desirable and attracttive to other men?

    The reason I ask is that you have had two encounters with potential, but haven't pulled the trigger on either. Do you really wanto to go through with it, or are you subconciously satisfied that you are still attractive to men? Again, I'm just posing the question.

    I ask also as it makes me think of what attracted J to M. I can remember when J first reacquainted with M on facebook and described him to me. She described him as not ugly, but his clothes and hairstyle made him better looking than what he was. Of course, the red flags were being raised all over my brain, but I dismissed it as my petty jealousy. I suppose I should have trusted my instinct, huh? Just friends! Yeah, and I own some wamp land in the south I'd like to sell you. I wish she'd be honest with herself. She can't tell me the truth because she doesn't want to believe it.

    Enough of me. I hope the trip was fun beyond the 'missed opportunity' and that you got to enjoy the Fla sun. I'm not a huge beach fan, but I love being in that area. The food, the atmosphere......the food. I love gulf seafood.

    I'll keep watching.
