Sunday, April 3, 2011

More Kissing

Been doing some thinking lately about Conference guy and decided it's his fault I didn't have sex. (Okay - I'm only slightly kidding) He should have kissed me more.  Men underestimate the power of a good kiss - especially on someone who hasn't been kissed by a different man in over 30 years!  When he kissed me, I practically melted - but then he moved on to getting to the finish line - while I was still warming up!  I didn't even have my running shoes on yet!  

When did grown ups stop kissing?  I mean REALLY kissing.  When we were young and making out, we'd kiss for ages.  I know most of that was because us "good" girls wouldn't go any farther - not for a while anyway!  But even when I did start "going farther" - my boyfriends would always start it off with some major kissing.  And that's what got them farther!  I don't think I've changed.  I LOVE a good kiss.  I love a long, slow, soft kiss with just a little bit of tongue.  I love to be kissed down my neck and behind my ears and then - back to my mouth.  And I've got a GOOD mouth if I do say so myself.  I have very full lips and they practically double in size when I've got some good kissing going on.

Don't get me wrong - I know it's as much my fault as exes that the kissing practically stopped.  Back when we still had a decent sex life - we'd be in a hurry to "get to the good part" - and part of that is because we had a little one that could interrupt at any time.  But there was plenty of time after she got older to spend kissing and fondling - and we just didn't do it.  

I'm going to make that a prerequisite on any future men - got to give my mouth it's due before you move on down the road!  I can still remember those kisses with conference guy and get tingly.  Just thinking about them - how long has it been since just thinking about kissing made me horny???  I'm guessing 30 years!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip. I'll have to keep that in mind should I ever decide to get back in the game. Can't see it right now.

    There's research to back up the idea that neglecting kissing is the surest way to ruin a sex life among married couples. I tried to find the research report but I'm getting loopy from staring at the computer too long. Should I find it, I'll send it to you. Interesting concepts, boring read.

    J and I quit kissing during sex. Like you said, torpedoed right for the goal. Sad really. I think back and wonder if we had maintained a normal sex life instead of what it turned into, would things have been any different. My gut says yes. I think a lot of self respect and intimacy went straight down the tubes in our bedroom. And I think that allowed the other divisions take residence. Food for thought, for me at least.
