Thursday, April 7, 2011

How Honest Can You Really Be?

Wow - crazy week - been in classes and it's amazing how much mental tiredness wears you out!

Conference guy was put back in the front of my mind oddly enough because of this class.  The guy teaching it is from the company who put on the conference and we talked about it.  Turns out he knows the whole crew I was hanging out and was talking about what a great guy Conference guy was.  I have really been resisting the urge to call or text him.  I'd really like to talk to him because I really did like him.  But because of all the sex/no sex crap - I'm really afraid to.  I think I'd look like a stalker or something.  Why do things have to be so friggin complicated???  

The way I think about a lot of situations when I'm trying to make a decision or help someone else with one is  - how would I feel if it the situation was reversed and the other person did/said what I was thinking of doing/saying. But usually that's in a situation with someone that there is a prior relationship.  On the one hand - what's the worst thing that could happen?  He'd think I was weird and not respond.  But then it would REALLY be awkward if we're both at next year's conference.    

Once again I find myself in this stupid position - it's similar to my high school buddy.  Although I DO want to have sex with Conference guy - it's not like I want him to move here and marry me!  I wish I could just say that - "I really like you and had fun and would like to stay in touch.  If we're both available next year, I totally want to have sex with you - but I don't expect a "relationship" out of it."  What would happen then?

People say they want honesty - but do they really?  How much honesty can someone take.  And what if he honestly said back to me, "Thanks, but no thanks, I was drunk".  Would I appreciate that? Or would it send me spiraling?  

I hate feeling like a 12 year old.  A horny 12 year old! 

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