Monday, May 2, 2011


I'm very relieved that they got that bastard Osama Bin Laden.  Other than that - I've mostly been teary eyed over the whole thing.  Sometimes with anger - anger that this scum is living in luxury in the garden spot of Pakistan within spitting distance of their so called elite military.  Angry that there are people in this world who looked up to and followed the advice of a coward who uses a woman as a shield.  But mostly angry that HE has lived the last 7 years like a king - 7 years that my friend T's husband had taken from him when he died in Iraq, April 30, 2004.

The first thing I did when I heard the news was text my friend - that I was thinking of her and the sacrifice C had made and that I loved her.  She texted back that her brother had just told her the news and after 7 years - it was a bittersweet ending.  I can't think of it without crying.

So when I watch the people chanting and waving flags - I like the patriotism, I like the singing "God Bless America" - and I'm doing my best to overlook the ones who want to bring politics into it - i.e. "Obama 1, Osama 0 -which is a crock of shit - and just be happy for our country's win here - our whole country's win - and I am so proud of our military.  But I always have been proud of them - not just on Red Letter day's like this.  I always tear up when I sing "God Bless America".  I've always been a flag waver and proud to be an American - no matter who the President was.  But I have to ask - did these people actually lose anyone on 9/11?  Did they actually know someone who was killed due to this war?  Have they held a friend who literally convulsed with grief?  Do they really know what they're celebrating?

  What I saw last night on the news was mainly a bunch of college aged kids - and I hope this wasn't just an excuse to party or a reason to gloat that he was killed on Obama's watch.  Don't get me wrong - Obama's going to get a lot of credit for this and if it had been Bush - he would have too.  That's the way politics works.  But just like it wasn't fair to saddle Jimmy Carter with the disaster on his watch when he tried pretty much the same thing to free the hostages - it's also not "fair" to give the credit to Obama when this mission succeeded.   This has been years of intelligence that finally came to fruition - and the ones who deserve the "glory" are the intelligence operatives and the military men who planned, executed and supported it.

Anyway - I'm making it political and I swore I wouldn't.   I'm not normally one who poops on other's parades - but I can't help but think of all the people who have died because of this ONE insane monster.  And I know that this doesn't mean it's all "over" - and I hope all the people waving flags and celebrating that realize it too.  

But I am sure glad to see that bastard dead - and I know the devil was waiting with open arms when he went straight to hell.

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