Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wow - Regrouped Today!

Okay - I'm back to my normal self today!  I went and worked out last night and felt so much better - I guess 4 days in a row of not working out took it's toll on my ability to deal with stress!  But I'm glad to say I didn't resort to chocolate.

I thought about it a lot last night and talked with daughter - I think I just totally stressed out about exes insurance because that sort of thing is "my" job.  I've always taken care of that stuff for both of us - and I felt like I had failed - even though it's not my job.  When we first separated, I can't tell you how many times I had to stop in mid sentence asking him if he'd followed up on this or that.  Telling him he needed to so this or that.  And then for a few months I'd ask daughter if he'd done this or that!  Finally I let my guard down, I acknowledged that it was no longer my responsibility or business - and then BOOM - he loses his insurance.  I actually talked with him about it yesterday and he was making ME feel better about it!  He was very sweet and very pragmatic and took full responsibility for not following through on it.  I guess my little boy has grown up!  I'm still trying to get something done from our end though - so please say a prayer for him - he really does need insurance!

And seriously - I obviously need to exercise regularly - I've become "addicted" to it!  The gym closes early on Friday so I've been going on Saturday morning and then trying to do something else on Sundays.  This last weekend though I went out of town Friday afternoon and then we had a family birthday party for daughter Monday night so I didn't go then either.  Last night I was just pounding the treadmill while imagining myself stomping on Blue Cross executives heads!  Very therapeutic!

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