Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No plans

I've got a very good friend, she's been one of my closest for years now - that bores me to tears lately.  What's up with that?  I can't decide if she's changed, if I've changed, if we've both changed???  She calls and I just cringe because I know she's going to talk about the same damn thing she talked about last time - which is all the stuff a friend of her has left in her home that she and her ex abandoned!  Obviously the woman is depressed and doesn't want to deal with it - but my friend went over there with her and gave her a check for a bunch of stuff that the girl didn't want anymore - mainly doesn't want to deal with - that yes, it's good stuff - but give it a rest.  She keeps calling her, "I just found this in this box - you don't want this?"  "Don't you want to E-bay this?"  Blah, blah - NO she doesn't.  She's told you 20 times now and if you feel guilty taking it - don't take it!!  Otherwise, take it and shut up about it.  Badgering a depressed person about that shit isn't going to change a thing.  And telling me over and over and OVER about it isn't going to change it either.  UGH!

I'm dying to go do something fun this weekend.  Have Monday off and absolutely no plan - except of course boring friend invited me to come to the city and hang out at her place and stitch - and as desperately as I want to do something - I don't want to do that!!  If I stay home, I've GOT to start de-cluttering and getting the house ready for the carpet guy and the painter - DOUBLE UGH!  LOL!

What I really want to do - is take of to Disney World.  Seriously - I love Disney World and we used to go at least once a year if only for a day or two.  It's been almost 3 years since I've been - I'm Jonesing!  This is the part that sucks about being divorced and not having a relationship - finding people to do stuff with you.  Although I actually think I could have a pretty good time at Disney alone - or it could totally suck and remind me of all the wonderful trips we had as a family.

One thing I don't miss - this weekend is the Semi-Annual "ex's surname fest" where his whole family - most of whom are crazier than he is - at least he knows he's crazy are getting together in our hometown.  I'm so glad not to have to go to that!!! But I must admit that it has left a hole.  I've done that for so many years now - that Memorial Day just kind of snuck up on me before I realized I had no plans.  Daughter is working and I really don't want to be at home cleaning out closets and drawers by myself all weekend.

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