Saturday, May 7, 2011

What Makes It Flirting?

One thing I've noticed lately - and it's made me very self-conscious - is that things I used to do and say all the time as a married woman "sound" different as a divorced woman.  I realized the other night at choir that I basically flirt with my preacher.  I'm not doing anything any differently - but we tease each other at choir practice and I've always really liked him personally.  But the teasing and laughing we do used to be done with my husband sitting right next to him laughing too.  Now it seems like flirting.  Is that all that makes the difference between flirting and joking?  Your marital status?  I would be really sad if he started acting differently toward me - and so far he hasn't - but my daughter has even said that she thought I'd date the preacher if he was single!        

I also saw a guy at the relay last night who goes to our church and his wife is in choir with me.  He's just back from Afghanistan and after several years here they are being transferred to Langley.  So I went up and gave him a squeeze and told him I heard they were moving and how pretty the area was up there but we would sure miss them here.  And he starts telling me that yeah, they're moving but L (his wife) was going with him and as long as she was there everything would be great.  Well, of course she's going with him - I certainly know that.  They have one son graduating this year, but two still in school.  I just thought it was weird thing to say - so did it seem like I was coming on to him?  

So that got me thinking about my old high school buddy who started acting so weird after HE contacted me.  I've gotten the vibe from him as well that he thinks I'm trying to "catch" him.  Is my normal manner with people one that makes them think I'm trying to start something?  The entire time I was married, I never even came close to cheating on ex and I've always prided myself on not being the type of person who opened that door.  But I don't think I'm acting any differently toward men now then I always did - is it just because they know I'm divorced now?

And what do I do with this thought now?  I'm 50 years old - it's pretty hard to change my entire manner!  I think I'm generally a nice person and friendly - I just don't know how I'm supposed to "be".  

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