Friday, May 6, 2011

Long Week

So glad this week is over!  Ugh!  Just one little thing and a couple of things that should have been little that were made HUGE at work - built up and up and up!  We have a customer (who is a customer but also part of a sister company) that is in WAY over her head with her job and she just went apeshit over NOTHING this week.  I can't believe the amount of time I wasted on something that anybody that knows a damn thing about accounting could have fixed with one journal entry on her side.  But she was like a magician - directing the attention elsewhere so her boss won't see the stupid tricks she's trying to cover up.

My company has been "merged" (but for all intents and purposes - bought out) with another one for 8 years now.  And each year, they get rid of more people from our original company and try and make us fit our square peg into their round hole!  This stupid bitch sent this scathing e-mail out to the CEO about us and not only were most of her "facts" wrong, she was blaming us for some stupid budget problem of hers from the month before!  So then the e-mail goes from the CEO to the Group President to the President to me!  If I'd sent an e-mail out like that, I would have gotten fired.  I'm so sick of our company being the red headed stepchild to the organization.  Bitch, bitch, bitch!!

Whew - anyway - week's over.  Went to the Relay for Life tonight - which did not have a good turnout - Mother's Day I guess.  But they raised a bunch of money this last year so Yay Relay.  My friend T and I walked the survivor's lap together.  It made me tear up.  This was my 6th Relay as a Survivor.  This summer will make 7 years - hard to believe.  It feels like yesterday and forever ago at the same time.  There was a lady at the Relay tonight, who I don't know - but most of the town does because she's a teacher - who is dying.  Several of my friends went and talked to her and were very upset and couldn't believe she was there and seemed so calm.  I had a nasty cancer, but I never was given a week to live - but I do know that if you're a Christian, it's worse on your family and friends then it is on the person with cancer.  They've fought the good fight and know where they're going - it's the people left behind that are going to suffer.  But it's a hard concept to understand and pretty much impossible to explain.  When I was sick, I didn't want to leave my daughter and I didn't want to miss having grandchildren - but I was never "afraid" to die.  I believe that's where this lady is at - she's sure of her destination - but hates to leave her children.  God bless her and her family.

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