Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Happy Mother's Day

I've had a lovely Mother's Day - really one of the best.  And it started with my ex putting a card in the mailbox yesterday.  I went shopping with my mother yesterday and bought myself some new tennis shoes - have I mentioned that my tennis shoes have been missing for a month now?  That I have NO CLUE where they could be?  I put them on at work, go to gym and take them off at home.  No where else.  So I've been using these tennis shoe "like" walking shoes I got last year for my trip to London.  They are supportive and lightweight - but ugly as sin!  Anyway - finally gave up and gave them to myself for Mother's Day along with two cute tops!  

But enough about shopping!  When I got home and checked the mail, there was a Mother's Day card from ex in the mailbox that he'd come by and put in there.  It was one of those musical ones that played "Simply The Best" when you opened it and he wrote, "Thanks for making me a better father.  Love, Ex"  I was totally dumbfounded.  It was probably the best Mother's Day gift he's ever given me.  It was unexpected, it was unsolicited, I didn't have to tell him exactly what to get me or how much to spend and it was truly thoughtful.  It made me tear up - because when he gets "outside" of himself and his crazy - he's a very sweet man.  It made me miss the man that he used to be and to see that he's still there sometimes.  I called him and thanked him and had a nice conversation with him.  It was really sweet.  I'm daring to hope that we are finally moving into the friendship that we wanted to save when we decided to divorce.  

Today, my "baby" woke me up with breakfast in bed.  And it wasn't one of those sweet little kid burnt toast and cereal breakfasts.  It was scrambled eggs with cheese, a buttered bran muffin and a bowl of strawberries and blueberries.  Perfect!  She gave me a beautiful pocketbook in the exact Vera Bradley style I had picked out myself when browsing and then we went to church and out to eat with my folks.  She had to go to work and my sweet Mama & Daddy took me to the movies.  

So - all in all - a perfect day.  I also got a very sweet voice mail from one of my "other" daughters telling me how much I mean to her and a text from future son-in-law.  Maybe all the suckiness of last week had to happen for me to cherish the sweetness of this weekend. 

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