Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Yesterday SUCKED - and today is SUCKING MORE!  

Yesterday was just one little annoying thing after another at work.  I tried to do 3 different things with our so-called next generation in the clouds software - 3 different software's mind you - and either didn't have permission (which I should) couldn't update something because they still hadn't updated CC information I'd spent 45 minutes dealing with on Friday or they just plain weren't working.  Then find out ex still hadn't gotten anything on his Cobra - but when we asked about it they come up with a letter dated 2/14/11 that he swears he never got.  That letter gave him a deadline of 4/18/11.  So he had to write an appeal.  

So today - go in to get blood work done and the Dr. office gave me the wrong paperwork so the hospital is trying to get the correct paperwork from them and still as of 12:30 hasn't gotten a call, a fax or even a human to talk to about it.  When I ran in to get the blood work done - locked my keys in the car.  Have a friend pick me up to take me to the house for spare keys.  Spare keys have been in the same damn place for 6 months - but NOT today!  So have to get my parents to bring me their spare keys to get the car.  Still can't get in the software with the CC problem, still don't have permission for the other one and then ex calls - appeal is denied.  I want to cry.  He needs that insurance - that's pretty much the main reason I didn't bring up divorce because I knew he needed insurance.  I know he's checked his PO Box because he's asked me about it.  I've asked our HR person about it and was told it takes at least a month to get something.  Why oh why oh why didn't I ask about it last month?  Why didn't he ask about it last month?  I know it's not my fault or responsibility - but I feel like it is.  I know daughter will be worried sick about him getting insurance.  

I've called our HR and am going to see if we have ANY leverage in this - and if not - I'm going to see about getting re-married just so he can get the damn insurance!  I am SOOOO frustrated.  FUCK YOU BLUE CROSS.

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